WrestleCrap Radio
The classic wrestling radio show that doesn't talk about wrestling and isn't on the radio is back: WrestleCrap Radio!
WrestleCrap Radio December 16, 2011

Break out the eggnog and Christmas Tree cakes!  It's time for the WrestleCrap Radio Christmas Party!

Direct download: wcradio121611.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio 12-02-11

It's our WrestleMania: The Annual Black Friday Show!  Thrill to the exploits of RD and, oh yes, Blade Braxton taking on the crazies on the busiest shopping day of the year!  Plus a VERY SPECIAL WWE GUEST!!!

Direct download: wcradio120211.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:18pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio 11-11-11

WrestleCrap Radio is back for the third show in four weeks!  In the words of Kermit the Frog: Oh no...oh no...oh my goodness!

Direct download: wcradio111111.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:23pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio 10-28-11

It's The WrestleCrap Radio Halloween Show!  And Roddy Piper shows up to give his newest - and WrestleCrap Radio EXCLUSIVE - Halloween tip!

Direct download: wcradio102811.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:28pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio 10-21-11

It took six years and 199 episodes, but yes yes - WrestleCrap Radio 200 is finally here!

Direct download: wcradio102111.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:17pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio 08-05-11

We're t-minus 1 and counting, so we're partying like it's episode 199!  Which it is.  Ahem.

Direct download: wcradio080511.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:52pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio 07-22-11

A NEW star-studded WrestleCrap Radio (well, if you consider Angry Jim, Satan, and Sir Alec as 'star studded') is here for your listening enjoyment, on in which you will find out how YOU can on Episode 200!

Direct download: wcradio072211.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:13pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio 07-01-11

NOOOOOOOO!!!  Finally, RD Reynolds pays up the Pro Bowl bet - he definitely has SOMETHING TO SAY!  Plus someone shoots all over WrestleCrap.com...who on earth could it be?  One way to find out!

Direct download: wcradio070111.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:38pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio 05-20-11

RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton are here to celebrate the opening of the new WrestleCrap Forum - the CRAPHOLE!  And how better to enjoy that than by listening to nearly an hour and a half worth of nothingness?!

Direct download: wcradio052011.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:27pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio April 29, 2011

It's the Draftrolla Episode of WrestleCrap Radio!  Think RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton suck?  What if someone else takes their jobs?  Chicanery abounds!

Direct download: wcradio042911.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:55pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio 04-01-11

We never thought it would come to this: WrestleCrap Radio has been CANCELLED.  Hear all the gory details here.  ~sigh~

Direct download: wcradio040111.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:32pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio 02-11-11

There's no nice way to put it: this is, without question, without hyperbole, the single most nonsensical episode of WrestleCrap Radio ever.  You've been warned!

Direct download: wcradio021111.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:41am EST

WrestleCrap Radio 01-28-11

RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton are back but they're NOT ALONE!  Joining them is the NEW TNA Correspondent, direct from Saddlestitch, Tennessee.  Who the hell could that be?  ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!

And be sure to check out all the episode synopses at http://www.wrestlecrapradio.com/

Note: This is the second upload of this show, now in stunning mono so that there are no issues!

Direct download: wcradio012811.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:43am EST

WrestleCrap Radio 01-21-11

New & Improved!  Well, at least the WrestleCrap.com website is.  This show?  Eh, not so much.  But it does feature RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton discussing all the latest wrestling haps, such as Torrie Wilson selling drugs, Tammy Sytch poop problems, and Randy Savage in a Nintendo game.  Wonder who will call in then?  Plus Blade's grade school where all kids had erections.  Don't ask, just listen!

Direct download: wcradio012111.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:28pm EST

WrestleCrap Radio 01-14-11

It's a New Year, and RD has a resolution: GET MORE LISTENERS!  Sadly, I doubt this show will help, as we get a very sad event, then an even sadder event in the return of someone no one wanted back, and finally Angry Jim explaining what he'd do with Andre the Giant's WWF Hall of Fame ring.  Ah well, there's always next year!

Direct download: wcradio011411.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:33pm EST