WrestleCrap Radio
The classic wrestling radio show that doesn't talk about wrestling and isn't on the radio is back: WrestleCrap Radio!

What says Halloween more than a bunch of stupid wrestling news?  How about Traci Lords, Danielle Harris?  Maybe Ben Vereen references?  Maybe Eva Savealot?  You name it, it's all here!

Direct download: wcr255.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:50pm EST

Where to even start with this completely off the rails episode? An RD TRIP that is the most bizarre ever, weddings, babies, sad news, horrible songs, 47 different Trolla products firing up, and the return after over 3 years of a WrestleCrap Radio legend.  Totally, utterly insane.  Listen at your own risk - you've been warned!

Direct download: wcr254.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:28am EST